Monday, February 7, 2011

A Dream of Faith, Hope, and Love


Back in June of last year, I had a dream. The dream itself didn't seem to have much point but to entertain my sleeping brain. The setting was weird. I was with some of my best friends. One particular friend was there. There was something different about this particular friend that sets her apart from my other friends. That friend was Chelsey.

In my dream I saw a few of my friends praying with her. She was saying that saving prayer I said many years ago. She was saying those words a great deal of my friends had prayed. She was saying those words I have prayed for almost eight years, she would utter.

In my dream I hadn't realized just what she was doing. I was not included among the group. I was merely a spectator. When she finished praying she left my group of friends and ran over to me to tell me her news. I replied with tears of joy. Well, it was more like, weeping, but gladness and complete joy. I was sad to have missed such a joyful experience but somehow that didn't matter, because Chelsey had come to me for the next step.

One day I hope to share my thoughts and feelings with her that I am able to share with some of my other friends. One day I pray we will be able to speak to each other of what God is doing in our lives, and the world around us.

This dream made me realize two things, though I have prayed for seven and half years for my friend:
1.) I should never give up on her. God has a plan for her life and  he wants to use me to help fulfill it. I have prayed that God may use me. Maybe this is one way he wants to do that.
2.)I may not be the one to say the prayer with her but I need to be ready to disciple her when she does say the prayer. I need to be ready to invite her to church, give her a Bible, whatever she needs to begin her journey.

I may not know when this will happen, but I woke up that morning with a new hope. Jesus has a plan for everyone. He knows everything. And he knows just when his children will choose to enter his kingdom of light.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Opportunity Knocks

Chelsey and I have been friends since grade seven. I had already known of her for a year before that but we never really got acquainted until a year after she came to my school. I didn't even know she wasn't a Christian until a little while after having met her. The day I found out she wasn't a believer, it shocked me. Probably because she was really my first friend who didn't go to church. I had prayed to God that I wanted a friend who wasn't a Christian and his answer was Chelsey.Little did I know just what I was in for.

Lets fast forward to grade eleven now. One year away from graduating. It was after school and I had let my sisters start walking home with out me. I liked to hang around with some friends before beginning the half hour walk home and I also loved walking alone. Chelsey was the last friend to be picked up that day. Her Mom was working and was going to be by later to get her. As a good friend that I try to be I stayed put and we just chatted. Mostly about girl stuff. It was around Easter time and that is where our conversation sort of stumbled on to.

My friend Chelsey, her father claims atheism and she sort of does to. I really don't know what she believes but she has made it clear in the past that it is not Jesus. Nor in another "god" of any kind.

Our conversation stumbled on to the coming of the Easter holiday. We talked about the traditions we each had in our family, it was clear my family celebrated more then hers, which makes sense, Easter has more meaning to me. That's when she asked the question,

"What is the whole point of easter, it can't just be a holiday about chocolate and bunnies and chicks."

Now just imagine how excited I am after hearing that question, after all, maybe this was the day I had been waiting for, I had already been praying for her for around five years at this point and never before had I had such an opportunity. She had come to youth with me twice before this day and both times she ended up in the hall waiting to go home as "bored" as ever. She hadn't appreciated the message and worship as much as I had hoped she would. she loved the games. One of the two times she got taped to a pole, that was definitely a highlight. My friends still talk about it to this day. I had also had some brief opportunities to just let my light shine, as we just lived life together. Just through making different choices then the others and things like that. But this was the first real conversation and sadly also my last with her when it came to the gospel.

So having heard her question, and out of excitement, I proceeded to give her the gospel, asking God for the words to say right away. I even considered running to my locker to get my Bible but i didn't have much time. So I began at the beginning. I told her Easter was about Jesus dying for us. He suffered for us and died on a cross, was beaten tortured, and then killed. I then told her that three days later he rose again. That he came to die so that we may have life. I brought Christmas in to the discussion as well, why Christmas is so important to us. She didn't say much after that, just nodded her head. Her Mom came soon after that and she got up as I began my long walk home. I had a lot to think about.

In some ways I wish I could have said more. That was my first and last conversation about the gospel that I ever had the opportunity to give her. I don't even get to see her much anymore, mostly I just chat with her on facebook every once in a while. She is living on the Island and attending University to become a nurse. All through out Highschool she hung around with a group of Christian girls. My prayer for her is that as she is going to school and living in a dorm, that she has found another group of strong Christian girls to hang around with her who might continue to plant seeds and water the ones my friends and I planted those six years we were friends with her in High School. I know I could of said more if I had had more time, I wish I had. But I know that God knows exactly what she needs to hear and when. If she needs to hear more, he will provide the opportunity for her to hear it. If it is me that is awesome, if it is somone else that is also amazing. As long as she hears the message she needs to hear.

I know I did what I can do, I told her the message, I used the few opportunities I had. Now I must let God work in her life. He Changed Paul's life, something that must of been seen as impossible to the people that watched him kill Christitans. I know my God can work miracles, and he does. My job now is to keep praying fervently. I must not give up, Chelsey's life is at stake after all. Her's As well as so many others in this world that I know she will reach.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Chosen Vessel

By now you may have come to see that the over all title of this blog isn't just "Faith to Believe" but it is indeed "Chosen Vessle". Perhaps you have wondred why I would choose such a strange name. Yes it is creative, but my reasons go a lot deeper than that.

If you don't all ready know, this blog was created for a special friend of mine. A friend who is not a believer and follower of Jesus. Her name is Chelsey. I had this conversation with Chelsey once. We were talking about the different meaning of our names. She mentioned how much she hated her name as well as the meaning, that it was "dumb" The meaning of Chelsey literally means "Port of ship, Vessle" I didn't really think much of it and actually agreed how unfortunate that meaning was.

A little while after that, I was on my computer randomly typing names in to a baby name search engine online when I came across the meaning of Chelsey. Indeed it read "Port of Ship, Vessle". I didn't think much of it until one night at a prayer meeting at my church, I was praying for Chelsey. God gave me this word for her. Perhaps you Read it at the top of my blog. This verse is found in Acts. It's when Ananias was being told by God to go to Paul. It reads "Go for He is a chosen vessle of mine to bear my name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel." Immediately I was stopped at the words "chosen vessle" It was then God brought to mind the meaning of Chelsey's name. "Port of Ship, Vessle" Needless to say I just stared at the page with my mouth wide open. I couldn't believe it. No longer do I believe the meaning of her name is insignificant.

Now if you know the story of Paul, you know that word, that verse, is a direct prophetic word of Paul's life. Paul did indeed preach to Israel, Kings, and Gentiles. That was his mission. I am believing that this is indeed Chelsey's mission. Through this verse God was telling me that Chelsey was indeed going to do some great things for God. Her life would indeed resemble that of Paul's. She will reach many. I don't have a number at all, but it excites me to think of the day she accepts Christ, cause I know that day is coming, and when it does more souls are going to be saved because of it.

Chelsey is a chosen vessle for for God. She doesn't know it yet...She has no idea just what that could even mean. But I know that my God has a far greater plan for her life than anyone could imagine. Chelsey is a Chosen Vessle. She is chosen by God.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ten Years

Ten years always seems like forever. Perhaps that is why God keeps certain details from us, just because he knows we really can't handle anymore than what we have already. If God had told me ten years back in grade seven I would have freaked out. It would have seemed like never. But he is good and knows just what I need and when I need it. It was only a few weeks ago that this particular discussion came up.

I was in bed for the night. I was talking with God. I was also a bit frustrated as I came to the part of my prayers about Chelsey. I began telling God how long I have waited for her. How much so I want to see her come to know her saviour. How much I wanted to see her sit beside me in church on a Sunday morning, worshipping and praising God. Well God stopped me right there, and he told me clearly, Perhaps one of the hardest things to hear when praying for a friend, He said, "Ten years" That was all. What he meant was I would have to pray for at least ten years. At that moment I felt devastated, but only for a moment. I remembered that it had already been eight years of fervent prayer over her life.

Monday, December 13, 2010

The Story

It has been eight years. Actually I am in the middle of my eighth year. Eight years of persistant praying. God has been so faithful throughout these years. He has given me word after word and even a vision.

We met in grade seven. We met through other friends. I didn't realize she wasn't a believer until a little while later. I was shocked and even horrified. Little did I know the journey I was about to begin with her. A journey filled with battle...struggles...friendship and love.

I have so many things to tell. God has given me so much and I can't wait to tell her about it. He has given me so many words and even a dream. This blog is meant for her. The intent is meant for her and for anyone else who has been praying for someone and hasn't seen anything happen yet. God is faithful, I can see that. God is working in her life, that I can't always see but I know it is true. He has a plan for her just as he has a plan for me.

This journey has been long but good. It has strengthened my faith immensly. It has taught me how to seek out opportunities. Since meeting my friend, I have met others who I am also praying will come to know the truth. It can happen as impossible as it seems.

This is Chelsey's story. A story she doesn't even know about yet. A story that one day I hope to tell her so that she will understand. This is my story for her...A story she may read the day she comes to accept the free gift awaiting before her. The day she decides she can't do it on her. The day she realizes she needs her Heavenly father, and she runs to him with all that she has got. That is the prayer of my heart...